The 8 Movement

8ERS. The 8 Movement. We cre8 and motiv8. We initi8 and encourage others to reciproc8. If you're in pain, we try to help allevi8. A place where the gr8 attract the gr8. We are a family and we dont h8. So... the question is, would you like to particip8? Excerpt from a fellow 8ER: "Being an 8er to me is having a voice loud enough for others to hear. Not just my voice but the voice of my fellow 8ers coming together as one. To find the positive and the gr8ness within yourself and then touching others with it as well..."Read more about me »


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November 25th, 2009 by Justice received 3 Comments »

Well 8ER N8TION, the best time of the year is finally here!! Leaves change color and fall to the ground, air gets the nice crisp chill hinting at the snow to come, and the holidays are upon us. Oh yeah, and my BIRTHDAY… so my birthday was about a week ago now, and its been GR8!!

But with the holidays in full swing we all need to take some time and truly think of the meaning of Thanksgiving.

I’m thankful for sooo many things, and I continue to thank God for blessing me in all of the many ways He does every day. So here goes… as u should know my count downs are  a bit different since the 8 is the number of our movement it is the top of the list!

1. 8ER N8TION: You all are not the last thing I’m thankful for, but the last one I could fit in my list. You are all important to me, and we are making a huge difference!! Lets keep it up, STAY ROWDY ya’ll…

2. Music: I am so thankful that there are so many talented artists that are putting their emotions into their music. I use this as my getaway when I am dealing with the tough spots in life. Without these artists, I’m not sure how I would release my stress. Thank you to the likes of Dallas Austin for your CRE8IVITY!!

3. Ability to provide: I am very thankful that I am able to provide for myself, my wife, and our dog. Too many families have had to downsize, and in many cases even get rid of the family pet because they couldn’t afford them anymore. The fact that I have a way to continue putting food on our table is such a blessing.

4. Safety: This world has become far too violent, and every day that we wake up is a huge blessing. Thank God for keeping his blanket over you.

5. Jobs: We all need to be thankful for the jobs we have! I have 2 jobs in this tough economy and even with them it is still a scrape to get by, but HEY AT LEAST I CAN!!!

6. Friends: The few that are still left around me are GR8, however, I find as I grow older that my family members are the true friends that I have.  Hoping to get closer, and become close friends with the whole 8ER N8TION. We have to stick together!!

7. Family: The people that you can truly count on through thick and thin, these people are the ones that we all need to stop taking for granted and start thanking, even for the smallest things they do for us.

8. Life and the ability to love:  A day after Halloween, as some of you know, I was in a bad car accident and this very simple, yet most important aspect of every human being was almost taken from me. Had it not been for God having his hands on me I wouldn’t be here to even blog. Even in losing my car and now having no vehicle to get to my 2 jobs in I am thankful that He allowed me to make it through the accident and live to see another day.


Posted under: 8 Daze

3 Responses to “THANKSGIVING!!! 8ERS Style”

  1. BTheLife says:

    8 things I am thankful for.
    7.Ability to Adapt
    8.8ER Nation *Dallas Austin*

  2. Felicia Sams says:

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  3. Nakia says:

    Those are great things to be thankful for!

    I am so thankful for my family first and foremost. The rest is all just icing on thte cake: my health, my wonderful friends, my house, my job. Although my life is not perfect (whose is?), it’s perfect for me, and I could not ask for more.

    Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!!

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